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Tribute pronounced by Rabbi Hagaon Shalom MESSAS Chalita
Chief rabbi and President of the Rabbinical courses of Jerusalem

HaRav Hagaon Shalom Messas
Chief Rabbi and Head of the Rabbinical Courts

“Today a great prince passed away in Israel.”

Today something important happened: HaRav Hagaon Rachamim Benamarra, who was once Judge in Morocco and Rabbi of Kiryat Menachem and Ir Ganim in Jerusalem passed away.
Pleasant and well loved, pure in his deeds, merciful as his name Rachamim, dedicated to people, such was Rachamim Benamarra, a tzaddik. He set up daily study of Psalms and Mishna in Kiryat Menachem; he often visited the study groups and tried to help them. He also gave tsedaka to people in need on a regular basis and always discretely.

At the end of his life, he wrote precious books. A respected man, a man of great value we have lost today.
Full of mitzvoth like a pomegranate. Whatever he did was always in great joy.

He had the tremendous privilege to pass away on Rosh Hashana, such a holy day.
I want to quote this verse : “On this day all of you, you stand in front of G-d.
We know that this day refers to Rosh Hashana.
This holy rabbi came in front of G-d on Rosh Hashana and rose up in the sky. Blessed be he !

He went to rest and left us lamenting.

Everybody knows we were close friends. We were part of the same family…
We shall miss him, we shall miss his good deeds.
Who will carry on his work?
We cry for this unforgettable loss. Everyone who loved him and respected him will never forget him .

CAs it is said : ” The passing of tzaddikim is as difficult to stand as the destruction of the Temple.” How can we compare the two things? Why are we crying for the destruction of the Temple? We don’t cry for the Temple as a building, but as a concept of spirituality : “The House of G-d”, “The gates of Heaven”.

Likewise, when we cry for the passing of a tzaddik, we cry for what he represents, for his good deeds.
And even if our Sages say that “the deceased will be forgotten”, it is not the same for tzaddikim. As it is written: “In death, tzaddikim will continue to live.” So this tzaddik can hear what I say about him .

Moreover, our Sages say: “Tzaddikim are greater in their death than during their life.” Why? Because of their good deeds and especially if their children are following their example. We can say he was a real tzaddik. Blessed his children for following him.
As written in G’mara: I don’t know what is the nature of this David; because King David, blessed his memory, referred himself as “King”: “The King is rejoicing in his power (Psalm 21) and he presents himself as a “Poor”: “Prayer of a poor person” (Psalm 102). And why? The G’mara gives the following answer: when David foresees through divine inspiration that his descendants will be tzaddikim such as Hezkiah and Yeshaiahu, he defines himself as “King”, but when he foresees bad people such as Avshalom he qualifies himself as “Poor”.

Who can be compared to King David, who not only was king but also composed such a perfect work and called himself “Poor”? even though he was defining himself as King? Only when he saw tzaddikim among his descendants, could he call himself Kinge.
Such a thing can be said to the credit of Rav Rachamim.

(Afterwards, Ha Rav Messas spoke briefly of Rosh Hashana, day of repentance and introspection.)

May G-d remove sorrow from us.
May He give peace to the world,
May He send His Blessings to the daughters, the sons and the widow of Rachamim,
May they follow his path! AMEN.


Very moving tributes were pronounced by eminent personalities
in various ceremonies in Jerusalem and Paris.
(We excuse ourselves not be able to reproduce all of them)



Many people, often plain and without means
c ame to pay their respects :

Like a lion ready to defend their rights and dignity

He loved them with such a love and
That love was shared on both sides.

Hundreds hurried to pay their last respects
And a tent had to be pitched outside his home
To shelter them.

The whole year round, his house and his daughter Esther’s house were always full :

Prayers with Sefer Torah, Tehilim, Mishna, Zohar, Drashot, Seuda Shlishit… The warm atmosphere of brotherhood, which prevailed, turn the mourning in a spiritual gathering.